Falsetto Signature Script Font is a modern handwritten signature with unreadable letter. I call it “unreadable” because you will see it twice when you read text in this font. The space is very close and the font is flat are the characteristics of this font.
Falsetto Signature best uses for signature, heading, cover, branding, invitation, label, poster, logos, quotes, product packaging, header, merchandise, social media & greeting cards and many more.
This version is a Personal to Use Only. If you wish to use it for commercial use, you need to purchase a license.
Link to purchase full version and commercial license:https://creativemarket.com/putracetol/6095114-Falsetto-Unreadable-Signature-Font?u=fonts177
Paypal account for donation : https://www.paypal.me/putracetol
Follow @1001graphicsFont info
Designer Name: | PutraCetol Studio |
Date: | Apr 29, 2021 |
Downloads: | 7681 |
Classification: | Handwritten, Script Fonts |
License: | Free for Personal Use |
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